If you have a student that is considering joining the Swim/Dive team for High School or Middle School, please read the following:
As we look forward to another exciting Swim/Dive season, we are trying to make the purchasing of swim suits easier this year.
A representative from the HFFA Swim Shop let us know that the purchasing of swim suits will be handled online and that should alleviate some of the problems we've had in the past.
We have selected our team suit for this year (Speedo Nano Fracture, blue) and a representative will be here at the High School building on Tuesday, September 23rd from 11:00-12:00 in Ms. Fortkort's room (Room 150). At that time, students can try on the swim suits and look at the other materials that the swim shop has to offer (goggles, fins, etc.)
It is highly recommended that students try on these suits before placing an order due to the difficulty of returning swimsuits. The cost of these suits is $47 for women, $32 male jammer, $25 male brief.
Also, practice times for our teams are tentatively set as:
MS Swim: Lincolnton YMCA, Mon and Wed, 4:00-6:00pm
HS Swim: Pool Session HFFA: Mon, Wed, Thurs, 8:00-9:30pm
Dryland Session LCS Denver: Tues & Friday 3:15-5:00pm
Dryland Session LCS Denver: Tues & Friday 3:15-5:00pm
Diving: HFFA, days and times TBD
If you have any questions, please contact Lori Ann Fortkort, Josh Williams, or Daniel Schmitz.